Program Details: Phase-Out

S.N.Project NameBeneficiariesDonor Agency (If applicable)
 Political empowerment of womenWomen of political party, women group, networksOxfam GB Nepal
 Women empowerment in Decision Making positionWomen of political party, women group, networksOxfam GB Nepal
 HIV/AIDS/STDHIV/AIDS/STD Survivors, Adolescence and Housewife DALO
 Study/Research on women’s rightsTrafficking Survivals, Domestic Child LabourFTS USA
  Village Development Program (IGA Activities)Poor and Marginalized Women and their familyEDO, Makawanpur
 Early Child Development Program3- 5 years old children and parentsPlan Nepal
 Strengthening and Formatting of Women Networking ProgramPoor and Marginalized WomenSAP Nepal
 Way Development Program( Path Bikas)NGOsSAP Nepal
 Awareness Campaign For Legal Rights of WomenPoor and Marginalized Women and their familyHetauda Municipality and WOSCC