
The organization has 2 major policies a Human Resource Policy/operational Policy, a Financial Policy/Accounting policy The Human Resource policy sets out policy with regard to the staffing structure of the organization, recruitment policy, qualification requirements of the staff, staff grades and salaries, benefits, performance evaluation, professional development, promotion and termination. This policy also comprises workplace policy, child right & gender. The Financial policy sets out the policy with regard to the financial year, financial reporting, auditing, budgeting, record keeping system, opening and operating bank accounts (every project has a separate bank account), Payments and cheque requisition, deposit and receipt of monies, authorization of expenditure, petty cash, staff salary payments, staff loans and advances, long distance travel and travel allowances, car hire, motorcycle usage, office telephone use, acquisition and disposal of fixed assets and the purchase and use of goods. Similarly the accounting policy comprises with regard to BIJAM’s accounting principles, chart of account, operation of cash & bank account, administrative procedure & accounting systems etc.