non-profit making, non- governmental, non-religious and non-political organization (NGO)

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  • To ensure equitable participation of women in all aspects by ending all types of discrimination, patriarchal attitudes and behavior and advocate for making women friendly policies and laws.
  • To empower and build capacity of communities, Community Based Organizations (CBOs), improve social accountability in service providers and manage resource center effectively.
  • To enhance capacity of user group on sustainable forest resource management, community resilience to climate change and forest base business for their livelihoods promotion.
  • To improve livelihoods of impact group  growing food grain crops for  food security, livestock  and high value agriculture crops (HVACs)  for their cash income.
  • To increase access of community people especially pregnant women and children on basic health services, nutritional education and reduced STD and HIV/AIDs incidence in community.
  • To increase sanitation and hygiene facilities and behavior practices to impact groups and reduced communicable and water borne diseases.
  • To improve impact group economic status and livelihoods through promotion of small scale enterprises and market access to women and marginalized communities.
  • To increase the renewal energy users in the impact area and improved their livelihoods and interior hygienic condition and reduced and traditional cooking and lightening energy sources.
  • To promote community resilience on disaster mitigation and save life and properties.
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